Benchmrk uses both survey control and digital cadastre open datasets published by Spatial Services of the Department of Finance, Services and Innovation(DFSI).

Control Survey Mark references

Abstract:  Control Survey Mark references are recorded within the Survey Control Information Management System (SCIMS). This is a database that contains all of the coordinates, heights and related information for NSW survey marks that form the official State Survey Control Network. The network is represented physically by over 240,000 permanent ground marks including over 6,300 beaconed trigonometrical stations positioned at varying spacing’s across NSW. Survey marks are tied to the MGA co-ordinate reference system and assigned a class, commensurate with their designed and achieved precision. Class is a function of the precision of a survey network, reflecting the precision of observations as well as suitability of network design, survey methods, instruments and reduction techniques used in that survey.

Purpose: The Survey Control Information Management System (SCIMS) is a reliable and accurate spatial referencing system that underpins cadastral boundary definition, engineering surveys, mapping and a variety of other spatial applications. The database is frequently utilised for asset management, establishing property boundaries and constructing public infrastructure. The mark classes have varying degrees of accuracy and therefore have specific purposes.

Legal Constraints: Accessible through DFSI Spatial Services, a unit of Department Finance, Services and Innovations. To the extent that Creative Commons licensing applies, all data and other material produced by DFSI Spatial Services constitutes Crown copyright. Save for the content in this web service supplied by third parties, the DFSI Spatial Services logo, NSW Government logo, the Commonwealth Coat of Arms, and any material protected by a trade mark. DFSI Spatial Services has applied the Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Australia Licence. DFSI Spatial Services asserts the right to be attributed as author of the original material in the following manner: © Department of Finance, Services and Innovation 2016. As far as practicable, material for which the copyright is owned by a third party will be clearly labelled. DFSI Spatial Services has made all reasonable efforts to ensure that this material has been reproduced on this website with the full consent of the copyright owners.



NSW Digital Cadastral Database

AbstractNSW Cadastre web service is a dynamic map of cadastral features extracted from the NSW Digital Cadastral Database (DCDB). It provides access to a state wide integrated database and a component of the foundation spatial datasets within the New South Wales. A “cadastre” is an official register of property showing boundaries. The DCDB contains current land titles only. The cadastral feature class layers provided through this web service includes: Large Rural Plan Extent, Rural Plan Extent, Section Extent, Plan Extent, Lot, Plan Extent Labels, Section Extent Labels, Lot Labels. The available attributes for point queries are: Lot/Section/Plan and CadID.

PurposeThis web service allows users to easily integrate NSW Cadastre into Open Geospatial Consortium (OGC) compatible spatial platforms and applications. The NSW Cadastral web service can be used for resource management, environmental management, land use planning, agriculture management, emergency management and recreational purposes This service can be used to aggregate information for analytical purposes. Cadastral boundary data in combination with geo-coded address data, imagery, demographic information and agency specific business information underpins the ability to perform high quality spatial analysis.

Legal ConstraintsAccess and Licenses are managed by DFSI Spatial Services, a unit of Department Finance, Services and Innovation creates and manages intellectual property (IP) for the Crown in right of New South Wales. Acquisition of this data is subject to the customer entering into an appropriate Creative Commons license agreement. To the extent that Creative Commons licensing applies, all data and other material produced by DFSI Spatial Services constitutes Crown copyright. DFSI Spatial Services has applied the Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Australia Licence. DFSI Spatial Services asserts the right to be attributed as author of the original material in the following manner:© Department Finance, Services and Innovation[date of extraction]. Additional terms for the use of DFSI Spatial Services material include that any derived products which are created will be required to clearly mark the date that any extractions from the DFSI Spatial Services Spatial Database occurred. All Intellectual Property (IP) which is owned by DFSI Spatial Services should only be loaded on any external cloud platforms if DFSI Spatial Services' Intellectual Property (IP) remains unchanged, maintained and preserved.

